Recruitment AI

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Here’s a Quick Way to Do Resume Matching

Here’s a Quick Way to Do Resume Matching

4 minutes
Resume matching doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out procedure. Here's how to get it done stat - with better results than you've seen so far.
What questions come to mind when you think of Affinda?

Affinda's Resume Parser: Your FAQs Answered

6 Minutes
We love talking about our resume parser, and here we share our answers to some of the questions we've heard frequently over the years.
The Best Resume Matcher for Staffing Services

The Best Resume Matcher for Staffing Services

4 minutes
A resume matcher is a key tool for staffing services. Automated resume matching can eliminate backlogs, decrease frustration, and enable you to hone in on the best candidate every time.
A resume screening tool enables you to harness AI to make your job board user friendly, powerful, and fast moving.

The Best Resume Scanner and Screening Tool for Job Boards

4 Minutes
A good resume screening tool can revitalize your job board, enabling you to provide a streamlined, automated experience to both job seekers and recruitment offices.
Sometimes, knowing how to parse resumes online is the first step toward increased productivity.

How to Parse Resumes Online in Three Easy Steps

5 Minutes
A smooth, efficient hiring process is essential to your organization, and there's no better way to get there than with online resume parsing.
Quick Guide to Affinda’s Free Online Resume Extraction Tool

Quick Guide to Affinda’s Free Online Resume Extraction Tool

4 minutes
Resume parsing software can save you time and money while freeing you up to focus on what matters. Here's how to use it.
Meet the Customer: Friday Media Group

Meet the Customer: Friday Media Group

6 minutes
At Affinda, the customer comes first, and we work hard to ensure that each of our users and business partners finds our AI solutions not only powerful and accurate but also easy to use and 100% adaptable to their very specific needs.
The Best Recruitment Software: CV Parsing APIs

The Best Recruitment Software: CV Parsing APIs

4 minutes
The most useful type of recruitment software available today may be CV parsing APIs; software that parses resumes and transforms unstructured data into data you can use.
A Guide to Automated Resume Parsing Software

A Guide to Automated Resume Parsing Software

5 minutes
Automated resume parsing software takes the grunt work out of recruiting, allow you to focus your time and resources on what you actually would like to be doing.
How to Incorporate a CV Parser Tool into your ATS

How to Incorporate a CV Parser Tool into Your ATS

4 minutes
No ATS is fully functional without a CV parser, a software tool that transforms your database of unstructured resumes into structured data. Here's how to implement one.
How to Parse Resumes Online for Free

How to Parse Resumes Online for Free

4 minutes
If you're wondering how to parse resumes online for free, you've come to the right place. There are free, no-commitment resume parsers that are so easy to use even your grandmother could manage it (if she can login to facebook, she can do this)!
It's easy to do more in less time when you've got a resume extractor tool hooked up to your ATS

Using a Resume Extractor Tool to Automate Your Workload

3 Minutes
There's no reason to waste time on manual data entry. Resume extractor tools have the potential to automate your entire workflow, freeing you up for the work you really want to do.
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