Posts with tag: Software Development

The 4 key benefits of integrating Affinda’s AI technology into your Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
4 minutes
In the fast-paced world of Human Resources (HR) and recruitment, Applicant Tracking System (ATS) providers play a vital role in helping companies efficiently organise and manage their candidate pool. By incorporating Affinda's advanced AI technology into your ATS platform, you can optimise your operations, reduce costs, and ultimately deliver a superior experience to your users.
How Data Extraction Works with Tesseract OCR, OpenCV, and Python for Invoices
15 Minutes
Discover how OCR with Tesseract, OpenCV, and Python transforms tedious invoice processing into an automated, error-free task.
Resume Parsing Software to Jumpstart Your Recruitment Process
4 Minutes
Is resume parsing software the missing ingredient for a happily productive HR office? Here's our argument.
Why You Need a Resume Parser Using Natural Language Processing
5 minutes
Natural language processing (NLP) is the driving force behind Affinda's new resume parser, a surprisingly precise tool which can make sense out of bulk unorganized data.
Affinda Launches Resume Parser in Python
3 Minutes
Have you been wishing you could find a resume parser with dedicated python client libraries to simplify your integration work? You've got it! Affinda's state of the art resume parser is now available in python, and you'll be able to connect the API with just a few lines of code.
The Only Resume Parser API You'll Ever Need
3 minutes
If you've found yourself swamped with untold amounts of applications and resumes, here is a solution that can vastly simplify your workflow: a resume parser API.
You Can Finally Parse Resumes to Salesforce. Here's How.
4 minutes
If you've been wishing for an easy way to parse resumes to salesforce, wish no more. Here's how it's done.
Open Source Software for Resume Parsing
7 Minutes
Open-source software is the solution of choice for many individuals and corporations alike. Does an open-source resume parser exist?
Open Source Invoice Data Extraction API (and an Alternative)
4 minutes
An open source invoice data extraction API might have the power to speed up your invoice processing and make your entire AP office more efficient. Here's what you need to know about open source data extraction options -- and one non-open source alternative.
A Deep Dive into Affinda Integrations Using Eden AI
2 min
Learn how to seamlessly integrate Affinda through Eden AI.
Automate Your Workflow with an Invoice Processing API
3 Minutes
What if you could save time and money while building stronger client relationships and a better understanding of who you serve? It's time to consider an invoice processing API.
Data Capture Made Easy With an Invoice OCR API
4 minutes
If your invoice processing still begins with manual data entry, you're doing something wrong. It's time to revamp the process, and incorporate an Invoice OCR API and parsing solution into your accounting software.
Integrating a Resume Parser into Your Job Board
4 minutes
Integrating a resume parser into your job board is one sure way to send your engagement numbers straight up.
How to Convert Image to Text Using Python
9 minutes
Thanks to the power of AI and OCR you can extract text from various file formats. That process can be automatized even further using code. Let's learn how to convert image to text using python.
How to Convert Image to Text Using Python: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024
Master image to text conversion in Python with our step-by-step guide. Learn to use Tesseract, OpenCV, and easyOCR for accurate OCR.
Here's How to Extract Skills from a Resume Using Python
3 Minutes
There are many ways to extract skills from a resume using python. We'll look at three here.
How to Pick a Reliable CV Reader For Your HR SaaS
7 min
Explore the dilemma of building vs. buying a CV reader for HR SaaS, balancing resources and efficiency.
The Best Resume Parser for ATS Software
4 minutes
If you use an application tracking system to keep track of applicants, you'll want to incorporate a resume parser. But which is the best?
Which is the Best Resume Parser API
4 minutes
Finding the best resume parser API may be a difficult quest, but we have one recommendation we think you'll never go wrong with.
The Best Recruitment Software: CV Parsing APIs
4 minutes
The most useful type of recruitment software available today may be CV parsing APIs; software that parses resumes and transforms unstructured data into data you can use.
The Best CV Parsing Software for Job Boards
4 minutes
There's no easier way to give your job board a makeover than by installing CV parsing software. But what is the best? We'll look at that here.
Integrating Automated Resume Screening Software into Your ATS
6 Minutes
Automated resume screening for your ATS enables you to match qualified candidates with the roles that fit them perfectly - no guesswork is required.
ATS Resume Reader: White-label or Develop Your Own?
5 min
Integrating an ATS resume reader? Choose between custom development or efficient white-label solutions like Affinda.

AI Document Processing solutions
for every business.

AI tools for recruitment and talent acquisition automation. Perfect for job boards, HR tech companies and HR teams.

AI data extraction for accounts payable (and receivable) departments. Automate invoices, receipts, credit notes and more.

Data extraction AI that automates your compliance requirements for individuals and businesses alike.

Develop custom models for your own unique use case to give you a competitive edge.

Explore how you can process your documents with our powerful AI.

Get in touch with our team of experts and find the best solution for you. Contact us for a free consultation call.