Posts with tag: Compliance

What is a Blind Resume and How it Helps Reduce Hiring Bias
6 minutes
If you've been wondering 'what is a blind resume' you've come to the right place! Here's what is it, what it does, and how to generate it.
Resume Redaction Software for Bias-Free Recruiting
3 Minutes
Diversity is more than a catchphrase; it can increase productivity, reduce groupthink, and help your company beat any competition. But what is the secret to a diverse, well-qualified workforce? What you need is resume redaction software.
How to Redact a CV for Fair Candidate Selection
4 minutes
Redacting a CV is the first step to fair candidate selection and bias free hiring. Here's how to do it.
How to Anonymize Resumes
4 Minutes
If you’ve ever heard of blind recruitment and wondered what this means or why a business would do it, this article is for you. Learn how to anonymize resumes and why so many organisations are now doing this to improve their recruitment processes.
Are Anonymised CVs the Key to Eliminating Unconscious Biases in Hiring?
7 minutes
An anonymized CV may be just what you need to eliminate unconscious bias at your HR department.

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