“StateCover engaged Affinda to develop a tailored AI document processing model. Their support and expertise were invaluable. After facing a few challenges at launch, we now have an accurate and efficient case management system we rely upon. We are in a good position for the system to scale into our future needs. The experience working with Affinda was excellent.”
Nick Tran, Business Analyst at StateCover Mutual.
About StateCover Mutual
StateCover Mutual is the only specialist provider of workers compensation, safety and wellbeing solutions tailored to the unique and evolving needs of New South Wales local government, with expertise honed over more than 20 years. We are proud to continue to build on our 133 Member partnerships keeping more than 39,000 people safe, well and working.
Business challenge and requirements
As a workers compensation insurer for New South Wales local government organisations, StateCover Mutual handles over 300,000 documents a year. There are more than 80 types of documents, including:
- Claim forms
- Medical certificates
- Incident notifications
- Complaints
- Refund remittances
- Treatment approval requests
- Clinical records
- Return to work plans.
StateCover Mutual’s existing rules-based solution was not equipped to process the many different document types effectively or efficiently. Instead, staff had to closely monitor document processing, review each document for accuracy, and manually reprocess documents to ensure delivery to the correct location. This time-consuming and costly process prompted the need for a customised AI document processing model that could:
- Accurately identify and categorise many different document types and formats
- Accurately extract invoice data to streamline payment processing
- Accurately extract claim numbers, both handwritten and typed
- Reduce errors and human intervention to amend errors
- Reduce labour costs associated with manual data handling.
StateCover Mutual chose Affinda’s AI document processing solution to further automate their workers compensation claims processes. To improve efficiency and reduce their error rate, Affinda’s AI experts worked with them to deliver three components:
- A document classification model that ensures each document submitted is correctly categorised and sent to the right location.
- A data extraction model to accurately extract the claim number from all documents submitted, reducing manual intervention.
- Affinda’s invoice extractor which automatically returns key information from documents that have been incorrectly classified as invoices to reduce the error rate.
With Affinda’s advanced AI technology, StateCover Mutual’s new case management workflow process is as follows:
- Documents are submitted to StateCover Mutal.
- Documents are automatically given a classification based on their type.
- The claim number is extracted, as well as the invoice data if the document is classified as an invoice.
- Extracted document data is auto-validated or reviewed before being sent to the appropriate location.
- Reduced costs and time by increasing the efficiency of how documents are delivered to the correct team member for action.
- Increased efficiency of manually reviewing claim number and classification by 30%, and 60% for invoices
- Over two times uplift in insurance documents sent directly to the correct approver without human intervention.
- Overall, the introduction of Affinda has been successful in an environment where documents received are steadily increasing.
Ready to see how Affinda’s AI-powered document processing products can help your business? Chat with one of our experts today.