
Which is the Best Resume Parser API

Finding the best resume parser API may be a difficult quest, but we have one recommendation we think you'll never go wrong with.
November 25, 2021
4 minutes

Resume parser APIs are used by recruitment teams all over the world to simplify the recruitment process, and there is heated debate about which tool is the best resume parser API. When tested against other resume parser software, Affinda comes out on top for quality and accuracy, making it undoubtedly the best resume parser software available anywhere!

Benefits of Using Resume Parser Software

Lower Costs

If outsourcing your recruitment process is simply costing too much, using a resume parser API is a great idea. Get your developer to integrate it into your ATS, and our low-cost API allows you to cut out the expensive middleman.

Save Time

Reading through the hundreds of CVs that cross your desk each month can take up a fair chunk of your time. Use resume parser software instead to sort your candidate information so that you can easily scan through it at a glance. With Affinda, you can parse multiple resumes with artificial intelligence and natural language processing, then generate reports that allow you to view key data in one document. See just the information you need to know about each one, and nothing more.

Never Miss a Quality Candidate

At the end of reading dozens of CVs, you may not even remember which candidates had the best skills to match the position you’re hiring for! This can mean that high-quality candidates are easily overlooked or forgotten about. Don’t let these candidates slip through the cracks. If you can easily see work experience and qualifications, you will be able to determine which candidates are qualified and progress them to the next stage of recruitment.

Who Should Use Resume Parser Software?

If you’re looking for a better, faster way to screen job candidates, you could benefit from a resume parser API. Affinda is a favorite among recruiters, staffing companies, and HR teams. Here are some examples of those who may benefit from using resume parser software:

· Job boards – allow candidates to easily apply for jobs and use resume parsing to offer data to your clients in a structured manner

· In-house recruitment teams – save time spent on reading resumes or data entry and make better quality hires

· Recruitment agencies – find the best candidate for the position every time with the structured data to back up your choice

· Recruitment software vendors – any good ATS needs a quality resume parser API to match

Why Affinda is the Best Resume Parser API

Affinda comes out on top time and time again when put head-to-head with other resume parsing software. Here’s why:

AI-Based Natural Language Processing

Affinda runs on a unique set of AI technology models. These don’t use the standard rule-driven approach, instead using machine learning and probabilistic predictive methods for more accurate outcomes. This allows the Affinda CV parser to more accurately extract information from your dataset.

Specific CV Expertise

When building the Affinda software, we included more than the general models of data extraction and visual document layout understanding. We chose to train the tool specifically on CVs so that it would learn about the various subsections often used, such as work experience, job title, education, skills, and more. Our semantic search capabilities allow us to focus on the meaning of each word and phrase, enabling accurate resume parsing that provides you with the maximum amount of information.

Robust API

We offer an API that is incredibly easy to integrate with any applicant tracking system that features API integration capability (which most have). This allows you to process high volumes of resume data. Technical skills are required, so this option is best for those with a developer in their organisation. If you are a smaller company with no-in house developers, you can try our free online tool which will allow you to parse up to 25 resumes at once, and download results in Excel (.xls), JSON, and XML format.

Contact us today for a free demo of the software, or a confidential chat about how we can help you reach your automation goals.

The world’s most accurate resume and job description parser.

Try the most accurate resume parser on the market. Using the latest AI technology, you can extract over 100 fields per resume with unmatched accuracy.

Affinda's Resume Parser wins against competition in blind tests over and over again.

Transform piles of job descriptions into organized data you can actually search and use to find the best candidates.

Job Description Parser uses the same technology as the Resume Parser, which means the accuracy and speed are unmatched.

Make the most of the rich data extracted from resumes and jobs:

- Find the best candidates
- Find the best jobs for candidates
- Score candidates based on compatibility
- Discover similar database candidates

Take the bias out of resumes and promote fair candidate selection to make your recruitment process best in class by using Affinda’s Resume Redactor.